Timeline of relationship with Evangelical Bible Church

This is a timeline of relevant events in the relationship between Evangelical Bible Church & Center City Church
1970 - Evangelical Bible Church (EBC) is established.

1973 - EBC purchased the building on Lemon Ave from Mormon group.

Fall 2021 - James and G’Joe are connected to Mary Beth & Gary (one of two EBC elders).

Spring 2023 - Center City begins to use EBC’s gym to play basketball on Saturday mornings.


January 7 - Center City hosts service at EBC’s building due to scheduling conflict at meeting space.

March - Sam Calhoun is named interim pastor at EBC. He encourages EBC to discuss transitioning to a church plant or adoption by another church. This ultimately resulted in EBC’s desire to pursue adoption by Center City.

May 19 - Center City members are made aware of potential future adoption of EBC.

June 20 - Center City completed its first basketball camp, which was hosted at EBC’s building (EBC members volunteered alongside Center City).

June 23 - EBC voted unanimously as a church to move towards adoption by another church, with their desire being Center City is that church.

July 2 - Center City’s deacons, elders, and facilities team meet to discuss next steps.

July 7 - Center City member’s meeting to discuss adoption / location change.

July 27 - Center City Adoption Committee meeting to meet with EBC’s search committee.

July 28 & August 4 - G’Joe & James preach at EBC’s services.

August 11 - Center City members meeting to include building inspection findings and more answers to FAQs document.

August 25 - G’Joe & James hold Q&A for EBC members.

September 15 - Joint service at EBC’s building with both congregations.

September 22 - Some EBC members attend Center City Membership Class… Center City members meeting to explain final adoption vote details. G’Joe and James meet with Center City community groups to answer questions / concerns.

October 13 - Both churches meet individually and vote in favor of adoption.

October 27 - First Sunday service as one family under name “Center City Church” at Lemon Ave.