Psalms Reading Plan

Day 1: Psalm 1
Day 2: Psalm 2
Day 3: Psalm 8
Day 4: Psalm 9
Day 5: Psalm 16
Day 6: Psalm 18
Day 7: Psalm 19
Day 8: Psalm 23
Day 9: Psalm 25
Day 10: Psalm 27
Day 11: Psalm 28
Day 12: Psalm 32
Day 13: Psalm 34
Day 14: Psalm 36
Day 15: Psalm 40
Day 16: Psalm 42
Day 17: Psalm 46
Day 18: Psalm 51
Day 19: Psalm 62
Day 20: Psalm 73
Day 21: Psalm 81
Day 22: Psalm 84
Day 23: Psalm 90
Day24: Psalm 104
Day 25: Psalm 121
Day 26: Psalm 127
Day 27: Psalm 130
Day 28: Psalm 136
Day 29: Psalm 139
Day 30: Psalm 145
What we commonly refer to as the Psalms is actually five smaller collections of poems that were set to music for God’s people to use as guides and prompts to worship. Arguably more than any other book of the Scriptures, the Psalms teach us how to worship God with all our heart. The writers of the Psalms cover just about every human emotion from anger and disappointment to elation and adoration. As such, they are easily accessible to the human heart and they lead us back to One who created our hearts and rules and reigns in our lives.

The Bible is a wonderfully unified collection of various genres (which is part of what makes studying and reading the Bible so overwhelming and confusing at times). The main genres included are narrative books (Genesis, 1 & 2 Chronicles, 1 & 2 Kings, the Gospels, Acts, etc...), prophetic literature (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the minor prophets), epistles (the letters contained in the New Testament), wisdom literature and poetry (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job), and apocalyptic literature (Revelation, parts of Daniel, Zechariah, and some of the prophetic books). When we seek to get into God’s word daily, it is always helpful to know what genre we are entering.

The Psalms fit into the wisdom literature and poetry genre. As such, when we approach the Psalms we are mostly looking for imagery, word choice, and comparison and contrast as clues to the meaning of the Psalm. 
Click below to learn more about the COMA Method of reading Scripture. This can help guide your time in these Psalms.